
The "Across the Strait Scientific Conference on Cardiovascular Science (ASCVS)," co-sponsored and initiated by four academic associations in China (including the Chinese Pharmacological Society, Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences, Chinese Association of Pathophysiology, and Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), along with two renowned institutions in Taiwan (Chi Mei Medical Center) and Hong Kong (The University of Hong Kong), was first held in Beijing in 1995. Since then, it has been held every two years in various cities, including Beijing, Dalian, Lushan, Taipei, Hong Kong, Urumqi, Kunming, Yinchuan, Tainan, Hong Kong, Fenghua, Nanjing, and Luzhou, totaling thirteen sessions to date.


The conference of Asia-Pacific Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society is organized by experts in hyperbaric oxygen medicine from various countries and regions, including China, Japan, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia. The first edition of the conference was held in Qingdao, China, in 2013. It was organized by Professor Gao Chun-jin, the Chairman of the Chinese Medical Association and the Hyperbaric Oxygen Medicine Branch, Honorary Chairman Mano Yoshihiro of the Asia Pacific Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, and Professor Ko-Chi Niu of the Department of Hyperbaric Oxygen Medicine at Chi Mei Medical Center in Taiwan. The conference was held every two years and has now completed four sessions.


It is a great honor for Chi Mei Medical Center to host the fourteenth ASCVS from August 23rd to 26th, 2024, in Tainan City. This conference will be in conjunction with the 5th conference of Asia-Pacific Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (APUHMS) to expand the scope of academic communication. The conference will invite cardiovascular and hyperbaric oxygen medicine experts from research institutions, hospitals, and associations worldwide to participate. Over four days, the conference will discuss the frontiers of cardiovascular medicine and the diverse applications of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, showcasing the latest achievements in basic science and clinical medicine research. This event aims to promote knowledge sharing, new scientific and technological reports, and interdisciplinary collaboration among scholars. We warmly welcome experts from every corner of the world of cardiovascular science and hyperbaric oxygen science to participate in this conference. The conference will feature plenary lectures, special lectures, 4 symposia, poster sessions, and a competition forum for outstanding young scientists, offering various opportunities for experts and scholars to express their findings.


In addition, 2024 marks the 400th anniversary of Tainan, a city steeped in history and influenced by diverse ethnic groups. Throughout these four centuries, Tainan has experienced periods of both conflict and cooperation, as well as numerous challenges and prosperity. As a result, Tainan has preserved many historical buildings and artifacts and is filled with history, culture, delicious cuisine, and art. We believe a diverse cultural experience will thoroughly enrich your journey to Tainan. We sincerely invite you and your team to explore the historic city of Tainan.


We, all of the organizing committee members, will do our best to work together for a successful conference. We are looking forward to seeing you at the 14th ASCVS and the 5th APUHMS in Tainan.

Thank you very much, and best regards.


  海峽兩岸心血管科學研討會」由中國四大學會 (中國藥理學會、中國生理學會、中國病生理學會、中國生化與分子生物學學會) 及兩大單位 (奇美醫學中心及香港大學) 知名學者共同發起,輪流主辦,第一屆會議於 1995 年在北京首次舉行,往後每兩年召開會議,先後在北京、大連、廬山、臺北、香港、烏魯木齊、昆明、銀川、臺南、香港、奉化、南京、和瀘州等城市舉行,至今已經歷十三屆。


  「亞太潛水與高氣壓醫學學術會議」是由中國、日本、澳大利亞、新加玻、馬來西亞、台灣等亞太各國家與地區的高壓氧醫學界專家共同籌辦,於 2013 年在中國青島首辦第一屆亞太潛水與高氣壓醫學學術會議,由中國中華醫學會與高壓氧醫學分會主任委員高春錦教授、亞太潛水與高氣壓醫學會真野喜洋榮譽主席 、與台灣奇美醫院高壓氧科牛柯琪教授共同籌畫舉辦,並規劃往後每兩年舉辦一次,至今已經歷四屆。


  2024 年 8 月 23 - 26 日,奇美醫院非常榮幸可以再度於臺南承辦第十四屆海峽兩岸心血管科學研討會,同時與第五屆亞太潛水與高氣壓醫學學術會議合辦,以擴大學術交流領域。會議將邀請來自世界各地學研機構、醫院、學會等單位的心血管與高壓氧科學專家參與,以四天的會議進行心血管醫學的前瞻研究與高壓氧療法的多元應用相關主題論壇,揭示心血管科學基礎醫學與高壓氧臨床研究的最新成果,以促進學者們相關知識的交流分享、科技新知發表、及跨領域合作。熱忱歡迎各地心血管領域及高壓氧科學的專家們、青年學子們參與本次大會。本次會議採用大會演講、特邀演講、專題報告、論文壁報展示和青年優秀論文獎競賽等多種形式,邀請領域專家們、青年學子們共襄盛舉。


  此外,2024 年是台南這座歷史悠久、受多元民族影響的城市建城 400 週年。 這四個世紀,台南經歷過衝突與合作,也經歷過無數的挑戰與繁榮。因此,台南保留了許多歷史建築和文物,是座充滿歷史文化、自然生態美景、多元美食與藝術底蘊的城市。我相信您的台南之旅,將享受到豐富的文化體驗。





Hung-Jung Lin
The Chair of the ASCVS&APUHMS 2024
Organizing Committee
The Superintendent of Chi-Mei Medical Center


Registration Open: 

Deadline for Abstract Submission:

Notification of paper acceptance and presentation schedule:


A live stream of the conference (International Conference Room only) will run from 8:30 a.m.

Deadline for Online Registration:

