Abstract Themes and Topics

A. Cerebro-Cardiovascular Pathophysiology

A.1. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology

A.2. Electrophysiology and arrhythmias

A.3. Novel mechanism and therapeutic strategy of cardiometabolic disease

A.4. Stroke basic science, epidemiology and treatments

B. Regenerative Medicine and Repair Strategies

B.1. Stem cell research and regeneration strategies on cardiology and neurology

B.2. Mitral valve repairs and replacements & revascularization

B.3. Cardiac and neurological rehabilitation

C. The Therapeutic Power of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

C.1. The efficacy of HBO in ischemic injury

C.2. HBO and immune tolerance

C.3. Combined intervention: The potential of combined HBO

D. Cardiovascular Toxicology and Applications of Single-Cell Sequencing & Multiomics

D.1. Integrative and perspective of cardiovascular multi-omics

D.2. Reviewing the cardiovascular toxicity of pharmaceuticals and environmental agents

D.3. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis and news in the heart

Abstract Submission Guideline

Abstract submission procedure

  1. Create your account to make a registration. Please click the “Registration” button to fill in the individual information.
  2. Pay registration fee.
  3. Submit your abstract.

Note: Only registered presenters with complete payment can access the abstract submission.


Roles of Abstract Submission

  1. Abstracts must be submitted online via the ASCVS&APUHMS 2024 portal following the completion of the registration process.
  2. Abstracts will be accepted in English only with accurate grammar and spelling.
  3. Limited to 300 words.
  4. Keywords should be typed up for maximum 5 words.
  5. Use only standard abbreviations.
  6. Please provide the full name, affiliation, and email address of each author in the abstract, and the name of the presenting author must appear first in the list of authors.
  7. Papers not officially published before June 30, 2024, are eligible for submission.
  8. Abstract submissions must be structured with the following: Background, Method, Results, Conclusion, and Keywords.
  9. Abstracts must be edited by Microsoft Word and upload to the conference website submission system. Anticipants should choose one option among [Oral Presentation], [Young Scientists Award], or [Poster Exhibition].
  10. Young Scientists Award is open to individuals aged 40 or below (born after January 1, 1984). Participants must present their topic in person at the conference.
  11. Submitted abstracts can be edited/updated before the dead line of submission (2024/06/30, or the submission date is extended.)
  12. Acknowledgement of the funding source for the abstract is permitted to describe, if any.
  13. Each participant is permitted to submit one abstract as the first author, while there are no restrictions on the number of papers for other authors.
  14. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
  15. Accepted abstracts for presentation will be made available on the conference website prior to the Conference.



Registration Open: 

Deadline for Abstract Submission:

Notification of paper acceptance and presentation schedule:


A live stream of the conference (International Conference Room only) will run from 8:30 a.m.

Deadline for Online Registration:

